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These examples can provide inspiration for your project, showcasing different setup scenarios.


App Router with i18n routing

Showcases basic usage of next-intl with the App Router, including internationalized routing. This can be a good starting point for public sites where SEO is relevant.


App Router without i18n routing

Demonstrates usage of next-intl without i18n routing, a typical setup for apps behind an auth layer. The app manages the locale via a cookie that can be updated via a Server Action.


App Router mixed routing

Uses locale prefixes on public routes while reading the locale from user settings on pages for logged in users.


Street photography viewer

Handles i18n exclusively in Server Components, while adding interactivity with Client Components.

App Router with single locale

Uses next-intl in an App Router setup with a single, static locale.

App Router migration

An example that showcases a basic installation of next-intl in a Next.js app that uses both the Pages as well as the App Router.

App Router with NextAuth.js

An example that showcases the usage of next-intl together with NextAuth.js and the App Router.

Pages Router

An example that showcases a basic installation of next-intl with the Pages Router.

Pages Router (advanced)

An example that showcases more advanced features of next-intl with the Pages Router.

React (without Next.js)

An example that showcases the usage of use-intl, the base library of next-intl, in a regular React app.

React Native

An example that showcases how use-intl, the base library of next-intl, can be used with React Native.


An example that showcases how use-intl, the base library of next-intl, can be used with Remix.

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